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News & Alerts

22 May 2018

Research finds surfer shark deterrent significantly reduces the risk of attack

Media Release
  • University research shows the Ocean Guardian Surf+, even in extreme circumstances, significantly reduces the risk of shark interactions by at least 60 per cent
  • McGowan Government calls on NSW Government to release the final university report into shark deterrent effectiveness
  • Subject to the final report, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has recommended the Surf+ device be added to the personal shark deterrent subsidy program 
29 April 2018

McGowan Government extends daily Surf Life Saving WA chopper patrols

Media Release
  • McGowan Government provides SLSWA about $350,000 to extend daily aerial service to 27 May, 2018
  • Commonly patrols finish at the end of April, after the school holidays
  • A bumper salmon run and the biggest mass whale stranding in 10 years is believed to be contributing to higher sightings of large marine animals, including white sharks
28 March 2018

This Easter have fun fishing from some of the world’s best beaches

Media Release
  • Keep the sand between your toes this Easter and fish from the beach
  • Safety should be foremost in mind at all times, no matter where you fish
  • Do not take risks rock fishing, especially if you are inexperienced or cannot swim 
15 March 2018

When the salmon show up this year – think safety first

Media Release

Western Australia’s autumn salmon run is almost here and water users are urged to take care.

Schools of salmon are commonly spotted, between early-mid March and late April, along the sheltered bays and rocky headlands of the South and West coasts. While the annual event is keenly anticipated by recreational fishers who love the thrill of capturing the aerobatic, fast swimming, WA salmon, the schools of fish can also attract larger predators.

16 February 2018

More white sharks tagged in Esperance operation

Media Release
  • Long-lasting internal tags have been inserted into 16 white sharks off Esperance
  • The tags can be detected on WA's 27 satellite-linked shark monitoring receivers 
  • More than 860 sharks including 258 white sharks have now been tagged 
20 December 2017

McGowan Government helps regional councils improve beach safety

Media Release
  • McGowan Government delivers on election promise to support local governments to improve beach safety
  • Beach Emergency Numbers will help save vital time in critical incidents
  • Regional councils from Geraldton to the South Australian border are urged to apply for funding
16 December 2017

Beach Emergency Numbers grant applications open

Media Release
  • McGowan Government delivers on election promise to support local governments to improve beach safety
  • Beach Emergency Numbers will help save vital time in critical incidents
  • Councils along the Perth metropolitan coast are urged to apply for funding 
26 November 2017

1,000 shark deterrent subsidies claimed within six months

Media Release
  • ​Subsidy funding doubled with an additional $200,000 allocated for a further 1,000 devices
  • UWA research found that the approved device deterred white sharks in nine out of 10 occasions
  • All shark sightings should be reported to Water Police on 9442 8600 
21 September 2017

Shark deterrents prove popular with community

Media Release
  • More than 630 Western Australians have taken part in the world-first trial subsidy
  • UWA research found that approved devices deterred great white sharks in nine out of 10 occasions
  • All shark sightings should be reported to the Water Police on 9442 8600 
22 June 2017

Esperance receivers online and ready to detect tagged sharks

Media Release
  • WA’s shark monitoring network has expanded to 27 satellite-linked receivers
  • The receivers have now been installed at Kelp Beds and West beaches
  • Detections and sightings are posted to SharkSmart and SLSWA’s Twitter feed

Western Australia’s shark monitoring network has been bolstered with the installation and activation of two new satellite-linked receivers in Esperance now complete.