SMART drumline trial to be extended by 12 months
Media Release- An extra $2.832 million allocated to study SMART drumline management of sharks
- Chief Scientist says rigorous scientific evaluation of non-lethal trial needs more data
Switch on your Sea Sense.
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Latest shark advice and warnings.
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Western Australian ocean users have got behind the State Government's new SharkSmart WA app with more than 10,000 people downloading the app in just over a month.
More and more people are heading for Western Australia’s awesome beaches and out on the water as the weather warms up, so it’s time to think about sharing the ocean and being considerate of other people.
There can be recreational fishers and divers in close proximity to each other, so care should always be taken. People checking lobster pots and anglers are reminded not to dispose of bait or fish waste near swimming beaches, or when divers are in the water nearby.