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News & Alerts

28 April 2018

Shark WARNING for Gearys Beach, south of Mandurah

Current Alerts and Warnings

Alert level:
A shark WARNING has been issued for Gearys Beach, south of Mandurah, after an interaction with a shark 50 metres offshore was reported at 5pm this evening.

25 April 2018

Shark WARNING for waters Dunsborough to Bunker Bay

Current Alerts and Warnings

Alert level:
A shark WARNING has been issued for waters between Dunsborough Beach to Bunker Bay, near the town of Dunsborough, after an increased number of reported shark sightings.

25 April 2018

Shark WARNING for Surfers Point Prevelly, near Margaret River

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 25 April at 3.15pm:
An Augusta-Margaret River Shire ranger has erected shark warning signage at Prevelly. The beach has not been closed.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) advises additional caution by water users in this area.

Fisheries officers from DPIRD are continuing to patrol the area and have been advising water users of the increased shark risk.

Shark sightings should be reported to Water Police on 9442 8600.

Alert issued on 25 April:

Alert level:
A shark WARNING has been issued for Surfers Point at Prevelly, in the Augusta-Margaret River Shire, after an surfer was knocked off his board by a two metre shark, of an unknown species.

24 April 2018

Shark ADVICE for Redgate Beach area closure

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update 2.50pm, 26 July 2018

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) has advised that its Regulation 44 beach closure at Redgate Beach will expire today at 6pm and will not be extended. 

Caution is recommended at all times in these waters by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and it’s important that water users check SharkSmarts Activity Map or the Surf Life Saving Twitter feed before heading to their local beaches.

Shark sightings should be reported to Water Police on 9442 8600. 

24 April 2018

Shark WARNING and BEACH CLOSURES for the Gracetown area

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 26 April at 4.55pm: 

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) has advised that its Regulation 44 beach closure between North Point and Ellensbrook, near Gracetown, will expire today at 6pm and will not be extended. 

Caution is recommended at all times in these waters by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and it’s important that water users check SharkSmart’s Activity Map or the Surf Life Saving Twitter feed before heading to their local beaches.

Shark sightings should be reported to Water Police on 9442 8600. 

18 April 2018

Shark WARNING for Smiths Beach to Injidup Beach, near Yallingup

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 20 April at 4.50pm: 

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions has advised that from 6pm today (Friday 20 April) it will be removing its Regulation 44 closure issued for the coastal area between Injidup Point and Canal Rocks.

Caution is recommended at all times in these waters by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and it’s important that water users check SharkSmart before heading to their beaches.

Shark sightings should be reported to Water Police on 9442 8600 

17 April 2018

Update on Gracetown shark advice

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 20 April at 4.55pm:

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions has advised that from 6pm today (Friday 20 April) it will be removing its Regulation 44 closure issued for the coastal waters between North Point and Ellensbrook in the Gracetown area.

Caution is recommended at all times in these waters by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and it’s important that water users check SharkSmart before heading to their beaches.

Shark sightings should be reported to Water Police on 9442 8600 

16 April 2018

Shark WARNING for the waters in the Shire of Augusta - Margaret River

Current Alerts and Warnings

Alert level:
A shark WARNING has been issued for the waters between Kilcarnup and North Point, in the Shire of Augusta - Margaret River, following a recent reported shark bite incident and another shark sighting in the area.

16 April 2018

Shark WARNING following incident at Lefthanders Surfing Spot near Gracetown

Current Alerts and Warnings

Fisheries officers are currently investigating a second reported shark incident today, this time at Lefthanders Surfing Spot near Gracetown.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has received reports that a surfer has received injuries after being bitten by a shark at about 2.30pm this afternoon.

16 April 2018

Shark ADVICE for a whale carcass at Lefthanders near Gracetown

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 16 April at 4.25pm:

Officers from Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) have assessed the whale and deemed today's weather conditions unfavourable for its removal .

Fisheries officers from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development are currently assisting DBCA in developing a plan with a view to attempting a removal, as soon as weather conditions permit.

Surfers, divers and swimmers are advised to say out of the water in the Gracetown area, between North Point and Ellensbrook.

Alert issued on 16 April 2018:

Alert level:
A shark ADVICE has been issued due to a whale carcass being reported at Lefthanders near Gracetown in the Shire of Margaret River.