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News & Alerts

16 October 2019

Shark ADVICE for Bruboodjoo Point near Coral Bay in the Shire of Carnarvon

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 16 October at 11:50am

Officers from Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions have assessed the whale carcass at Bruboodjoo Point near Coral Bay and have removed the Regulation 44 closure notice this morning. 

It is possible the residues of the whale may continue to act as a shark attractant.

Beach users are encouraged use your Sea Sense and stay informed by checking for shark activity on the SharkSmart website or Surf Life Saving WA’s Twitter feed.

If you see a shark, report it to Water Police on 9442 8600

06 October 2019

Shark ADVICE for Peppermint Grove Beach, near Capel

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update Sunday 6 October at 2.40pm.

Officers from the departments of Primary Industries and Regional Development and Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions have carried out an on-water patrol of the area where a whale carcass was reported offshore from Peppermint Grove Beach, near Capel and south of Bunbury, but have been unable to locate it.

An SLSWA helicopter patrol over the same area has also not been able to sight the reported carcass.

In the meantime, the we urge water users to apply additional caution in the Peppermint Grove Beach area and we ask people to report any new sightings of this or other whale carcasses or sharks. 

Whale carcass and shark sightings should be reported to Water Police on 9442 8600. 

26 September 2019

Shark ADVICE for Wedge Island near Lancelin

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 26 September at 5:00pm

Officers from Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions have assessed the whale carcass at Wedge Island near Lancelin and have removed the Regulation 44 closure notice this afternoon. 

It is possible the residues of the whale may continue to act as a shark attractant.

Beach users are encouraged use your Sea Sense and stay informed by checking for shark activity on the SharkSmart website or Surf Life Saving WA’s Twitter feed.

If you see a shark, report it to Water Police on 9442 8600

23 September 2019

Shark ADVICE for the WA Shark Monitoring Network – Cottesloe

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 23 September at 10:15am

System maintenance affecting the Shark Monitoring Network receiver located at Cottesloe Beach has been successfully completed.

The Shark Monitoring Network is now fully operational. 

Bring your Sea Sense to the beach. Stay informed of the latest detections and sighting information by checking the Shark Activity Map on the SharkSmart website – www.sharksmart.com.au/shark-activity or the Surf Life Saving WA Twitter – twitter.com/SLSWA.

The Shark Notification System forms part of a range of shark hazard mitigation strategies in place.  See www.sharksmart.com.au for additional information.

14 September 2019

Shark ADVICE for Point Samson in the City of Karratha

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 14 September at 5:00pm

Fisheries Officers from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development have inspected the whale carcass at Point Samson today and have observed the carcass has suffered heavy predation from sharks. 

The parts of the carcass that were below the waterline are mostly gone, however some parts of the whale remain on the shore. 

It is possible the residues of the whale may continue to act as a shark attractant and the beach is to remain closed until further notice.

Beach access is permitted within the closure area, but swimming or entering the water is prohibited.

If you see a shark, report it to Water Police on 9442 8600.

11 September 2019

Shark ADVICE for Garden Island in the City of Rockingham

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 11 September at 2:15pm

Contractors and staff from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions have removed the Humpback Whale carcass which was located at the southern end of Garden Island. 

The carcass was towed to shore and is now being lifted in sections into industrial skip bins and transported to landfill. It will be completely removed by the end of the day.

Residues will potentially remain for a few days and may act as an attractant that could lead to sharks coming close in to shore along this stretch of coast.

Bring your Sea Sense to the beach. Stay informed by checking for shark activity on the SharkSmart website or Surf Life Saving WA’s Twitter feed.

If you see a shark, report it to Water Police on 9442 8600.


07 September 2019

Shark WARNING for Burns Beach in the City of Joondalup

Current Alerts and Warnings

Alert level:

A shark WARNING has been issued for Burns Beach in the City of Joondalup after an interaction with a shark two (2) kilometres offshore was reported at 9:26am this morning.

17 August 2019

Shark ADVICE for notifications to the Twitter feed

Current Alerts and Warnings

Updated 17 August at 1:20pm

The system fault restricting shark notifications from being automatically published on Surf Life Saving WA’s Twitter feed has been fully restored.

All reported shark sighting notifications and tagged shark detections are being published on the SharkSmart website and are also being automatically published on SLSWA Twitter feed

Bring you Sea Sense to the beach. Stay information by checking the Shark Activity Map on the SharkSmart website – www.sharksmart.com.au/shark-activity.

If you see a shark, report it to Water Police on 9442 8600.


14 August 2019

Shark Advice for Flat Rocks Beach, near Greenough

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 14 August at 9.45am:

Fisheries advise the whale carcass south of Flat Rocks Beach, near Greenough, has been assessed and remains in place. The decomposing carcass is partially buried in the beach sand and is visible only on low tide. 

DPIRD will continue to monitor and assess the situation in partnership with the local land managers.

While the carcass remains in place, it's possible it will act as an attractant that could lead to sharks coming close in to shore along this stretch of coast.

Bring your Sea Sense to the beach. Stay informed by checking for shark activity on the SharkSmart website or Surf Life Saving WA’s Twitter feed.

If you see a shark, report it to Water Police on 9442 8600.

13 August 2019

Shark ADVICE for Separation Point in the City of Greater Geraldton

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 13 August at 1.40pm

The City of Greater Geraldton has now removed the whale carcass from Separation Point.

Additional caution is recommended by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, as any residue from where the whale carcass was beached may still attract sharks to the area.

Bring your Sea Sense to the beach. Stay informed by checking for shark activity on the SharkSmart website or Surf Life Saving WA’s Twitter feed.

If you see a shark, report it to Water Police on 9442 8600.