Shark Advice for Flat Rocks Beach, near Greenough
Current Alerts and WarningsUpdate on 14 August at 9.45am:
Fisheries advise the whale carcass south of Flat Rocks Beach, near Greenough, has been assessed and remains in place. The decomposing carcass is partially buried in the beach sand and is visible only on low tide.
DPIRD will continue to monitor and assess the situation in partnership with the local land managers.
While the carcass remains in place, it's possible it will act as an attractant that could lead to sharks coming close in to shore along this stretch of coast.
Bring your Sea Sense to the beach. Stay informed by checking for shark activity on the SharkSmart website or Surf Life Saving WA’s Twitter feed.
If you see a shark, report it to Water Police on 9442 8600.