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News & Alerts

04 September 2020

Shark ADVICE for the WA Shark Monitoring Network

Current Alerts and Warnings

Alert level:

A shark ADVICE has been issued for Western Australian water users, due to scheduled maintenance affecting the Shark Monitoring Network.

04 September 2020

Shark ADVICE for Cape Riche near Bremer Bay

Current Alerts and Warnings

Updated on 4 September at 1:20pm

The City of Albany have inspected the area and located the whale carcass 300m north-west of the AL3826 Wellstead BEN sign, Cape Riche. 

City of Albany rangers are monitoring the situation and providing advice to relevant authorities.

Switch on your Sea Sense and stay informed of shark activity information by checking the SharkSmart website, download SharkSmart WA app or Surf Life Saving WA’s Twitter feed.

If you see a shark, report it to Water Police on 9442 8600. 

04 September 2020

Shark ADVICE for Lancelin Beach, Lancelin

Current Alerts and Warnings

Updated on 4 September at 10:30am

The Shire of Gingin has now removed the whale carcass from Lancelin Beach.

Additional caution is recommended by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, as any residue from where the whale carcass was beached may still attract sharks to the area. 

Switch on your Sea Sense and stay informed of shark activity information by checking the SharkSmart website, download the SharkSmart WA app or follow Surf Life Saving WA Twitter.

If you see a shark, report it to Water Police on 9442 8600. 

02 September 2020

Shark ADVICE for the Shark Warning System at Guillotines, near Gracetown.

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 02/09/2020 at 9:32am: 

Services have been restored to the Shark Warning System (tower) at Guillotines, near Gracetown. All towers within the SMART drumline trial area are now fully operational. 

Switch on your Sea Sense and stay informed of shark activity information by checking the SharkSmart website, download the SharkSmart WA app or follow Surf Life Saving WA Twitter.

If you see a shark, report it to Water Police on 9442 8600

25 August 2020

Shark ADVICE for Salmon Beach, near Windy Harbour

Current Alerts and Warnings

Alert level:

A shark ADVICE has been issued due to the skeletal remains of a large whale carcass coming ashore. The carcass is located approx. 370 meters south of the “MJ502” Salmon Beach BEN sign, near the town of Windy Harbour.

25 August 2020

Shark ADVICE for the WA Shark Monitoring Network – Lefthanders Surf Break, Gracetown

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 25/08/20 at 12:44 am

Services have been restored to the Lefthanders Surf Break Shark Monitoring Network receiver.

The network is now fully operational. 

Switch on your Sea Sense and stay informed of shark activity information by checking the SharkSmart website, download the SharkSmart WA app or follow Surf Life Saving WA Twitter.

If you see a shark, report it to Water Police on 9442 8600. 

21 August 2020

Shark ADVICE for the WA Shark Monitoring Network – Smiths Beach, Yallingup

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 21/08/2020 at 11:07 am 

The partial outage of the Shark Monitoring Network at Smiths Beach, Yallingup has now been resolved. 

The Shark Monitoring Network is now fully operational.

Switch on your Sea Sense and stay informed of shark activity information by checking the SharkSmart website, download the SharkSmart WA app or follow Surf Life Saving WA Twitter.

If you see a shark, report it to Water Police on 9442 8600. 

15 August 2020

Shark ADVICE for the WA Shark Monitoring Network

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 15 August at 2:50pm

Services have been restored to the Shark Monitoring Network. 

A partial outage is still in place for the Smiths Beach receiver which has broken free from its mooring. For more information, view Shark ADVICE for Shark Monitoring Network – Smiths Beach, Yallingup   

Switch on your Sea Sense and stay informed of shark activity information by checking the SharkSmart website, download the SharkSmart WA app or follow Surf Life Saving WA Twitter.

If you see a shark, report it to Water Police on 9442 8600. 

03 August 2020

Shark INCIDENT for Bunker Bay, Cape Naturaliste

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 3 August at 9:15am

The City of Busselton has re-opened beaches in Bunker Bay. 

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development recommends additional caution in Bunker Bay and the surrounding area.

Switch on your Sea Sense and stay informed of shark activity information by checking the SharkSmart website, download the SharkSmart WA app or follow Surf Life Saving WA Twitter.

If you see a shark, report it to Water Police on 9442 8600.

31 July 2020

Possible shark INCIDENT at Bunker Bay, Cape Naturaliste

Current Alerts and Warnings

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development are currently investigating a possible shark bite incident at Bunker Bay in the City of Busselton.