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Shark Deterrent Rebate
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who is eligible to claim the rebate?
The Shark Deterrent Rebate is available to Western Australian residents. Proof of WA residence must be sighted and recorded by the retailer at the time of purchase. If eligible, the $200 rebate will be deducted from the sale price by the retailer. There is a limit of one rebate per person per device. That is, if a person has received the $200 rebate for the Ocean Guardian FREEDOM 7TM, they will also be eligible to receive the $200 rebate for the Ocean Guardian FREEDOM+ SurfTM (Bundle) and/or Complete RPELA Kit or RPELA Unit – Device Only.
2. What evidence should I provide as proof of WA residence?
Proof of WA residence may include a current:
- Western Australian driver’s licence or learner’s permit.
- Western Australian recreational fishing licence.
- Medicare card in combination with a utility bill e.g. telephone, gas, electricity, water (not more than 3 months old).
- Persons under the age of 18 may also use:
- Student ID card.
- A combination of their parent/guardian driver’s licence and Medicare card (which includes reference to their name).
3. How do I claim the rebate?
Visit a registered retailer to purchase a scientifically proven and approved shark deterrent device. If eligible, the $200 rebate will be deducted from the sale price by the retailer. Refer to our Terms and Conditions to review your eligibility.
4. Can an individual under the age of 18 apply for the rebate?
Yes. Refer to our Terms and Conditions to review your eligibility.
5. What is an approved personal shark deterrent device?
An approved personal shark deterrent device is one which has been independently scientifically tested and proven to be effective at reducing the likelihood of an interaction with a white shark. Personal shark deterrent devices that meet this criteria can be approved by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
Rebates will be available when purchasing an Ocean Guardian FREEDOM 7TM, an Ocean Guardian FREEDOM+ SurfTM (Bundle) and/or Complete RPELA Kit or RPELA Unit – Device Only. Additional devices may be added to the scheme once scientifically tested, verified and approved by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
While no product offers 100% guarantee of protection, water-users are encouraged to use their Sea Sense when heading to the beach. This includes checking all available information before entering the water published on the SharkSmart WA app, Shark Activity Map or follow @SLSWA on X (formerly Twitter).
6. Why is the rebate only available for three approved products?
Currently there are three devices which have been independently tested and scientifically proven to significantly reduce the risk of a white shark interaction.
While no product offers 100% guarantee of protection from any species of shark, the Ocean Guardian FREEDOM 7TM, Ocean Guardian FREEDOM+ SurfTM and RPELA are currently considered to be the most effective personal shark deterrent devices available.
It is recommended that those interested in purchasing one of the approved devices review the specifications carefully, to ensure it is suitable for their desired use.
More information can be found at https://ocean-guardian.com/ or https://www.rpela.com/
7. What research has been conducted on the approved products?
Ocean Guardian FREEDOM7 – The University of Western Australia published its findings of the Ocean Guardian FREEDOM 7TM (previously known as the Shark Shield FREEDOM 7TM), which can be viewed at the Public Library of Science (PLOS).
Ocean Guardian FREEDOM+ Surf – Flinders University, South Australia published a report after testing five shark deterrents developed for surfers. The report includes information of the Ocean Guardian FREEDOM+ SurfTM. The report can be viewed here.
RPELA – Cardno Australia independently tested RPELA at Salisbury Island, Western Australia. The report can be viewed at the Journal of Marine Science and Technology
8. Will other personal shark deterrent products be considered for the rebate in the future?
Yes. Companies who have had their products independently tested and scientifically verified are encouraged to contact the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
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