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News & Alerts

06 January 2017

Shark ADVICE – detections outage in Shark Notification System

Current Alerts and Warnings

Alert level:
A shark ADVICE has been issued for Western Australian water users due to a partial outage in the shark notification system, affecting the notification of tagged shark detections.

03 January 2017

Clever Buoy trial - City Beach

Current Alerts and Warnings

The Clever Buoy system is currently in the process of being installed at City Beach.  Inclement weather and operational challenges has constrained the installation program and final calibrations.

20 December 2016

Shark ADVICE for SMN receiver 2.5kms off Mullaloo

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update: 3.15pm, 21 December 2016
Fisheries advise that the 2.km off Mullaloo Shark Monitoring Network satellite-linked receiver is back online. The network is now fully operational.

Alert level:
A shark ADVICE has been issued for Western Australian water users due to a partial outage in the shark notification system.

18 December 2016

Beach enclosure to protect Sorrento swimmers

Media Release
  • Liberal National Government has invested more than $33 million on shark hazard mitigation

Beachgoers in Perth's northern suburbs now have access to a protected swimming area after Premier Colin Barnett today officially opened the new Sorrento Beach enclosure.

"Beach enclosures are an important component of the Liberal National Government's shark hazard mitigation strategy and are proving to be incredibly popular with swimmers and families," Mr Barnett said.

"The Government has invested more than $33 million on shark hazard mitigation measures including research, public education, shark tagging, aerial patrols and a trial of drones.

"No single measure alone will protect water users from shark interactions, but a complementary suite of measures will reduce the risk."

16 December 2016

Shark detection trial to start soon at City Beach

Media Release
  • $33 million invested in shark hazard mitigation strategy since 2008

The latest addition to the Liberal National Government’s $33 million shark hazard mitigation strategy is expected to be operational at City Beach from next week.

Fisheries Minister Joe Francis said it was hoped the three-month, $500,000 trial of the Clever Buoy shark detection and notification system would be up and running within days provided weather and water conditions were suitable.

15 December 2016

Shark INCIDENT at Trigg Beach

Current Alerts and Warnings

The Department of Fisheries has been advised of a shark incident at an area near the Blue Holes, Trigg Beach.

26 November 2016

Trial of new shark detection technology

Media Release
  • ​Liberal National Government approves funding for trial of Clever Buoy technology
  • Trial is part of Government's $33 million WA Shark Hazard Mitigation Strategy
09 October 2016

Lift-off for shark surveillance drone trial

Media Release
  • $88,000 Liberal National Government investment in SLSWA trial of drone surveillance technology
  • Trial to be conducted at metropolitan and regional locations this summer
30 September 2016

Shark WARNING between Trigg and Cottesloe

Current Alerts and Warnings

Alert level:

UPDATED 06 October.
The shark WARNING issued last Friday for Perth metropolitan waters between Trigg and Cottesloe, remains in place for this weekend.

30 September 2016

Check SharkSmart before entering water

Media Release
  • New campaign launched encouraging visits to SharkSmart before entering ocean
  • All shark sightings should be reported to Water Police