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News & Alerts

14 March 2018

Shark WARNING between Sorrento and Trigg in the Perth Metro Area

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 15 March at 1.55pm:

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has sought expert scientific opinion on what caused the injuries to two 10 year-old boys, who suffered bite wounds in a suspected shark interaction at Watermans Bay Beach.

Photos of the injuries were supplied to us for investigation, by a relative of one of the boys.

We have been advised the injuries were not consistent with a shark bite, but some other marine animal.

As a result we are downgrading the alert issued overnight, however, water users should be careful in the marine environment at all times.

Alert issued 14 March 2018:

Alert level:
A shark WARNING has been issued for Perth Metropolitan Waters between Sorrento Beach and Trigg after a possible shark interaction was reported at Watermans Bay Beach this evening.

26 February 2018

Shark ADVICE – Bickley Point SMN receiver offline

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 28 February at 3.45pm:

  • The Shark Monitoring Network receiver at Bickley Point (Rottnest) is back in service.
  • The satellite-linked Shark Monitoring Network is now fully operational

Alert issued 26 February 2018:

Alert level:
A shark ADVICE has been issued for Western Australian water users due to a partial outage in the shark notification system.

16 February 2018

More white sharks tagged in Esperance operation

Media Release
  • Long-lasting internal tags have been inserted into 16 white sharks off Esperance
  • The tags can be detected on WA's 27 satellite-linked shark monitoring receivers 
  • More than 860 sharks including 258 white sharks have now been tagged 
29 January 2018

Shark INCIDENT in Cone Bay north of Derby

Current Alerts and Warnings

A man has been injured in a shark incident at Cone Bay in the Kimberley, north of Derby.


  • A man received injuries after being bitten by a Bull Shark at approximately 08:00 hrs on Sunday 28 January. The man was treated at Derby Hospital yesterday and is being flown to Perth for further treatment to injuries, which are reportedly not serious.
06 January 2018

Shark INCIDENT at South Point near Gracetown

Current Alerts and Warnings

A surfer has been injured in a shark incident at South Point, Gracetown, in the Shire of Augusta Margaret River.


  • A man received injuries after being bitten by an unconfirmed species of shark, while surfing at South Point at approximately 18:00 hrs on Friday 5 January 2018.
  • It’s suspected the shark may have been a small whaler or a wobbegong.
03 January 2018

Shark ADVICE for Rottnest Island

Current Alerts and Warnings

Alert level:
A shark ADVICE has been issued due to a number of shark sightings and detections near Rottnest Island.

20 December 2017

McGowan Government helps regional councils improve beach safety

Media Release
  • McGowan Government delivers on election promise to support local governments to improve beach safety
  • Beach Emergency Numbers will help save vital time in critical incidents
  • Regional councils from Geraldton to the South Australian border are urged to apply for funding
16 December 2017

Beach Emergency Numbers grant applications open

Media Release
  • McGowan Government delivers on election promise to support local governments to improve beach safety
  • Beach Emergency Numbers will help save vital time in critical incidents
  • Councils along the Perth metropolitan coast are urged to apply for funding 
07 December 2017

Shark ADVICE for the Meelup shark monitoring receiver

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 8 December at 2.00pm:

  • The satellite linked Shark Monitoring Network receiver at Meelup is back in service.
  • The Shark Monitoring Network is now fully operational.

Alert issued 7 December:

Alert level:
A shark ADVICE has been issued for Western Australian water users due to a partial outage in the shark notification system.

01 December 2017

Shark ADVICE for Two-mile Beach east of Hopetoun

Current Alerts and Warnings

Update on 9 December at 1.00pm:

The sperm whale carcass reported near Hopetoun has now been removed from the beach.

Caution is still advised as any residue from where the carcass was beached may still attract sharks to the area.

Alert issued 1 December:

Alert level:
A shark ADVICE has been issued due to a whale carcass being reported at Two-mile Beach east of Hopetoun.