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Office of Science Research Grants
Completed Projects
Independently test and improve existing shark deterrents, including the widely known product, Shark Shield.
Organisation: University of Western Australia, Ocean Institute
Scientists: Professor Shaun Collin and Associate Professor Nathan Hart
Grant: $220,573 over two years
Develop and test novel deterrents such as bubble curtains, underwater sounds and strobe lights.
Organisation: University of Western Australia, Ocean Institute
Scientists: Professor Shaun Collin and Associate Professor Nathan Hart
Grant: $222,221 over two years
Develop computer algorithms for real-time, automatic shark detection.
Organisation: University of Western Australia, School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
Scientists: Winthrop Professor Mohammed Bennamoun
Grant: $203,234 over two years
Develop new surfboard fins with an in-built electronic shark deterrent.
Organisation: Shark Shield Pty Ltd
Grant: $300,000 over two years
Define the actual visual, electrical and vibrational (sensory) cues that trigger shark attacks.
Organisation: University of Western Australia
Scientists: Associate Professor Nathan Hart
Grant: $284,620 over two years
Ongoing Research Projects
Research sonar imaging and detection of sharks.
Organisation: Curtin University, Centre for Marine Science and Technology
Scientists: Dr Miles Parsons
Grant: $273,468 over three years
Develop systems that mask noises of beachgoers (including swimmers and surfers) that may attract sharks.
Organisation: Curtin University, Centre for Marine Science and Technology
Scientists: Dr Christine Erbe
Grant: $130,124 over three years
Develop an acoustic system to detect sharks as they approach beaches.
Organisation: University of Western Australia
Scientists: Shane Chambers
Grant: $252,417 over two years